Instagram Stores Geolocation Data in EVERY Photo without Users Knowledge

If Instagram asks you if it can use your current location, even only once, it will autmacticly store the locaction of EVERY photo taken, even though it didn’t tell you that it would do that! There is no setting to only use this for certain photos. The location wont be publicly visible (unless you select it to before you publish the photo), but it will be publicly available….

The scary thing is that this is not hard to get. All you have to do is go to and sign in with your instagram account. Once you’ve signed in you can view all of your (and people you follow) photos. If you click on a photo it will have a little map at the botom which will tell you where the photo was taken.


An Instagram account

Instagram is Allowed to Use Your Location (Check settings)

A Computer to Access


1. Go to and sign in with your instagram account.

2. Once you’ve logged in you need to find a photo you want to geolocate. I am going to find the location of a photo on the popular page. Scroll to the bottom of the photo and you will see a little map. You can click on that map to see where the photo was taken. This does not give you an address or coordinates though, and it is hard to see street names. If you would like to see the coordinates read below.

Finding the Coordinates

1. You will need Chrome (you can do it with other browsers though). Right click on the little map and click “Inspect Element”

2. Now you should see a clump of text highlighted in blue. The coordinates will be after the part:


It will be directly after the 7C

3. Now that you have the coordinates head over to Google Maps and paste the coordinates to see the address!


UPDATE: There is an easier way to find the coordinates. Go to the website It will give you the option to search for a user or just search instagram. Put in the user you want, click on the photo you want….And volla, the coordinates will be at the bottom of the page with a link to google maps!

Also you don’t have to be an instagram user to do this!!!

View All of the User’s Photos on a Map

1.  If you would like to see all of the user’s photos on a map at once follow the instructions in the pics below

How to turn this Off

If you would like to have Instragm stop geotagging all of you photos just go into your Settings and un-allow instgram to use your location. The downside to this is that if you want to use the actual geolcation feature (the one that lets people see the location of the photo inside the actual app) You would have to re-allow instagram to use your location (and turn it off again when done). That could be a very time consuming process.

This can be scary because if you take a photo at your house, you probably didn’t relize that people now know the address of your house. Say you had a lot of followers, maybe one of them is………a stalker  -_-

Posted on May 2, 2012, in Geolocation, Instagram, Security, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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