Category Archives: Amazon

Bypass: Kindle Touch 3G Restriction

The kindle touch is an awesome device! The only thing it lacks is being able to access the (entire) internet on amazons free 3G. Previous versions of the kindle could, but the kindle touch can’t. I can see why the did this though, i’m sure a lot more people would use it now that it has a touch screen.

So far I have only been able to access Facebook and Twitter. (I am hopping for more, I will update xD)


Kindle Touch 3G (duh…)



NOTE: You will not be accessing facebook from the normal browser, but from a hidden browser inside the kindle. You do NOT have to jailbreak your kindle to do this.

First off go to > Kindle settings > Reading Options > Social Networks > Facebook (Or twitter)

Once you’ve clicked on Facebook (Link account). Once you click on it you will see the facebook login screen…do not login. Instead click on the “Sign up for facebook page” (Don’t worry, we will not be re signing up).

Once there, click on “Already have an account, Login”. Now login with your Facebook credentials. You should be loged into your facebook now on 3G! Now you can post, check in, stalk people…etc

Hope you enjoyed the post!

SORRY THE PICS ARE BAD QUALITY, I only have an iPod Touch 😦

Bulk Delete Books from Manage my Kindle Page

Amazon doesn’t let you delete books from Manage My Kindle in bulk. If you use chrome, you can automate the process of deleting books, so essentially… deleting in bulk. So that woul You can either delete everything from the current page, or you can delete all books with the same title. For example, I used a service to automatcly send me updates from TechCrunch daily. After a while my Manage my kindle page got overloaded with “TechCrunch” To delete them, I changed to the part that says “changetonameofbook” to the name of book I wanted auto deleted.

To excute this command you need chrome (you can on other browsers to but I use chrome). Click Command Option J (On Mac) and Ctrl Shift J (Windows) at the same time and then copy and paste the code below, making sure to change the “changetonameofbook” to the name of book you want to bulk delete.  It will now delete everything named the same as that book on the current page. This is really helpful and can save a LOT of time!

var a=document.getElementsByClassName(‘rowHeaderCollapsed’);
var to_delete = [];
for(var i = 0; i<a.length; i++){
if (a[i].getElementsByClassName(‘headerTitle’)[0].textContent == ‘changetonameofbook’) {
var id = a[i].getElementsByTagName(‘input’)[1].value;
to_delete.push(id);}}for(var i = 0; i<to_delete.length; i++){Fion.deleteItem(‘deleteItem_’+to_delete[i]);}

Also If you wanted to just delete everything on the page use this code instead:

javascript:(function(){ var v = new RegExp(“PersonalDocuments”); if (!v.test(document.URL)) { return false; } {a=document.getElementsByClassName(‘rowBodyCollapsed’);for(var i = 0; i<a.length; i++){Fion.deleteItem(‘deleteItem_’+a[i].getAttribute(‘asin’));};return; }})();

Just paste that one into your address bar! (The part where you type “”)

Hope this helped!

Amazon Forums >> LIbrary Bulk Delete

How to: Hack Amazon to get Free Books!

There is a flaw in the way Amazon delivers books to your kindle. Right after you buy a book it gives you the option to return it if you’ve bought it accidentally. But it still downloads the book while the screen is up.


Any Kindle (Not sure if it works with the Fire)

A Computer

Kindle DRM removal software (I use this)


1. Turn on your kindle and navigate to the book you want to buy. You can test this hack out by using a free book (Such as Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland). Buy the book.

2. Once you’ve bought the book DON’T CLICK ANYTHING. Wait for you kindle to say “Item Downloaded”. Once it says that you need to plug your kindle in to your computer. Navigate over to the Documents folder of your kindle (This is where the books are stored). Copy over the book you bought to your computer. Now remove the kindle from your computer (Making sure to safely remove it).

3. Now click “Return” on your kindles screen. It should say that it was sucsesfuly returned and that the book will be removed from your device (But not from your computer hehe). Open up the DRM removal software and put in your kindles Serial number. Locate the book and click remove DRM. Now you can transfer the book back to your kindle to read!

P.S This also works with audible audio books!

I wouldn’t recommend doing this to many times. Although you are aloud to return kindle books, amazon might wonder why you do it so often.  And I’m pretty sure that this is illegal and against Amazon’s TOS. I am not responsible for your actions. This is just to educate you!