Category Archives: TOR

Tor: Fixed DNS Leaking in New Version of Tor

The Security bug that was found a couple of days ago in Tor, has been fixed! I HIGHLY recomend you update imediatly!!! This is a VERY important update.

If you don’t…your privacy might be comprimised!!!



New Tor Browser Bundles (security release) >>

How to: Pay Anonymously Online

Its actually pretty easy if you think about it. You could use BitCoins…but not very many sites accept them. But you could buy a Visa Gift Card. A Visa Gift Card is basically a credit card that is not attached to anyones SSN in any way. You can pick them up at your local Target, Walmart, CVS, etc

In order to stay completely anonymous using them you should buy it with cash. And if you are signing up for something that is recurring (e.g a VPN connection) you should buy a $100 one instead (so you don’t have to keep switching out the card). Also, in order to pay online you have to register them. But they don’t ask for you SSN…so you could put in a fake address and fake name. Also I would register and pay with them using TOR. TOR hides you IP and encrypts your information online. So the company wouldn’t be able to look you up by your IP address.  I am not responsible for you actions…remember that. This is fore education purposes only. So don’t be doing anything illegal (but you wouldn’t get caught…because it is anonymous ;P)

TOR: Security Bug in Current Version of TOR

A security bug was recently found in TOR! When you connect to a websocket service, your firefox will query your local dns server rather than communicating to TOR as it is supposed to do! Here is a copy from the TOR website on how to fix it!

To fix this dns leak/security hole, follow these steps:

  1. Type “about:config” (without the quotes) into the Firefox URL bar. Press Enter.
  2. Type “websocket” (again, without the quotes) into the search bar that appears below “about:config”.
  3. Double-click on “network.websocket.enabled”. That line should now show “false” in the ‘Value’ column.

See Tor bug 5741 for more details. We are currently working on new bundles with a better fix.

Firefox security bug (proxy-bypass) in current TBBs >>

Tor: Hurry up and get Tor for iOS before Apple removes it…

TOR has been around for a long time, but untill recently only for desktops. TOR encrypts your computer traffic and completely anonymizes you on the web. You can also change the IP that shows up as often as you like!

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.

Tor sends your data through lots of servers to obscure your IP and encrypts your data so no one can see it. It is used by law enforcement, the military, normal people, journalists, activists and many others!

I may be wrong (hopefully) but I think someone accidentally let this slip Apples review processes. So hurry up and download this awesome app before Apple removes it!!!

Onion Browser | iTunes App Store