Category Archives: Hacker News

Bypass: Kindle Touch 3G Restriction

The kindle touch is an awesome device! The only thing it lacks is being able to access the (entire) internet on amazons free 3G. Previous versions of the kindle could, but the kindle touch can’t. I can see why the did this though, i’m sure a lot more people would use it now that it has a touch screen.

So far I have only been able to access Facebook and Twitter. (I am hopping for more, I will update xD)


Kindle Touch 3G (duh…)



NOTE: You will not be accessing facebook from the normal browser, but from a hidden browser inside the kindle. You do NOT have to jailbreak your kindle to do this.

First off go to > Kindle settings > Reading Options > Social Networks > Facebook (Or twitter)

Once you’ve clicked on Facebook (Link account). Once you click on it you will see the facebook login screen…do not login. Instead click on the “Sign up for facebook page” (Don’t worry, we will not be re signing up).

Once there, click on “Already have an account, Login”. Now login with your Facebook credentials. You should be loged into your facebook now on 3G! Now you can post, check in, stalk people…etc

Hope you enjoyed the post!

SORRY THE PICS ARE BAD QUALITY, I only have an iPod Touch 😦

Tor: Fixed DNS Leaking in New Version of Tor

The Security bug that was found a couple of days ago in Tor, has been fixed! I HIGHLY recomend you update imediatly!!! This is a VERY important update.

If you don’t…your privacy might be comprimised!!!



New Tor Browser Bundles (security release) >>

Tor: Hurry up and get Tor for iOS before Apple removes it…

TOR has been around for a long time, but untill recently only for desktops. TOR encrypts your computer traffic and completely anonymizes you on the web. You can also change the IP that shows up as often as you like!

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.

Tor sends your data through lots of servers to obscure your IP and encrypts your data so no one can see it. It is used by law enforcement, the military, normal people, journalists, activists and many others!

I may be wrong (hopefully) but I think someone accidentally let this slip Apples review processes. So hurry up and download this awesome app before Apple removes it!!!

Onion Browser | iTunes App Store

Florida man to plead guilty in celebrity hacking case: prosecutors

Florida man to plead guilty in celebrity hacking case: prosecutors – Yahoo! News.

Hackers are so stupid theses days! If you are going to hack people, DO IT RIGHT! He should of anonymized himself (used a proxy, VPN, gone to Starbucks). And whats with the 60 years in prison! In most states, the max for manslaughter is 20 (And he gets 60)! Thats just STUPID!