Category Archives: Hacking

Bypass: Kindle Touch 3G Restriction

The kindle touch is an awesome device! The only thing it lacks is being able to access the (entire) internet on amazons free 3G. Previous versions of the kindle could, but the kindle touch can’t. I can see why the did this though, i’m sure a lot more people would use it now that it has a touch screen.

So far I have only been able to access Facebook and Twitter. (I am hopping for more, I will update xD)


Kindle Touch 3G (duh…)



NOTE: You will not be accessing facebook from the normal browser, but from a hidden browser inside the kindle. You do NOT have to jailbreak your kindle to do this.

First off go to > Kindle settings > Reading Options > Social Networks > Facebook (Or twitter)

Once you’ve clicked on Facebook (Link account). Once you click on it you will see the facebook login screen…do not login. Instead click on the “Sign up for facebook page” (Don’t worry, we will not be re signing up).

Once there, click on “Already have an account, Login”. Now login with your Facebook credentials. You should be loged into your facebook now on 3G! Now you can post, check in, stalk people…etc

Hope you enjoyed the post!

SORRY THE PICS ARE BAD QUALITY, I only have an iPod Touch 😦

Bulk Delete Books from Manage my Kindle Page

Amazon doesn’t let you delete books from Manage My Kindle in bulk. If you use chrome, you can automate the process of deleting books, so essentially… deleting in bulk. So that woul You can either delete everything from the current page, or you can delete all books with the same title. For example, I used a service to automatcly send me updates from TechCrunch daily. After a while my Manage my kindle page got overloaded with “TechCrunch” To delete them, I changed to the part that says “changetonameofbook” to the name of book I wanted auto deleted.

To excute this command you need chrome (you can on other browsers to but I use chrome). Click Command Option J (On Mac) and Ctrl Shift J (Windows) at the same time and then copy and paste the code below, making sure to change the “changetonameofbook” to the name of book you want to bulk delete.  It will now delete everything named the same as that book on the current page. This is really helpful and can save a LOT of time!

var a=document.getElementsByClassName(‘rowHeaderCollapsed’);
var to_delete = [];
for(var i = 0; i<a.length; i++){
if (a[i].getElementsByClassName(‘headerTitle’)[0].textContent == ‘changetonameofbook’) {
var id = a[i].getElementsByTagName(‘input’)[1].value;
to_delete.push(id);}}for(var i = 0; i<to_delete.length; i++){Fion.deleteItem(‘deleteItem_’+to_delete[i]);}

Also If you wanted to just delete everything on the page use this code instead:

javascript:(function(){ var v = new RegExp(“PersonalDocuments”); if (!v.test(document.URL)) { return false; } {a=document.getElementsByClassName(‘rowBodyCollapsed’);for(var i = 0; i<a.length; i++){Fion.deleteItem(‘deleteItem_’+a[i].getAttribute(‘asin’));};return; }})();

Just paste that one into your address bar! (The part where you type “”)

Hope this helped!

Amazon Forums >> LIbrary Bulk Delete

TOR: Security Bug in Current Version of TOR

A security bug was recently found in TOR! When you connect to a websocket service, your firefox will query your local dns server rather than communicating to TOR as it is supposed to do! Here is a copy from the TOR website on how to fix it!

To fix this dns leak/security hole, follow these steps:

  1. Type “about:config” (without the quotes) into the Firefox URL bar. Press Enter.
  2. Type “websocket” (again, without the quotes) into the search bar that appears below “about:config”.
  3. Double-click on “network.websocket.enabled”. That line should now show “false” in the ‘Value’ column.

See Tor bug 5741 for more details. We are currently working on new bundles with a better fix.

Firefox security bug (proxy-bypass) in current TBBs >>

Tor: Hurry up and get Tor for iOS before Apple removes it…

TOR has been around for a long time, but untill recently only for desktops. TOR encrypts your computer traffic and completely anonymizes you on the web. You can also change the IP that shows up as often as you like!

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.

Tor sends your data through lots of servers to obscure your IP and encrypts your data so no one can see it. It is used by law enforcement, the military, normal people, journalists, activists and many others!

I may be wrong (hopefully) but I think someone accidentally let this slip Apples review processes. So hurry up and download this awesome app before Apple removes it!!!

Onion Browser | iTunes App Store

How to: Change your Forgotten Windows Password without Software

If you’ve ever forgot your windows password, and don’t know what it is. You can change it WITHOUT software. This will work if you haven’t changed your safe mode password. If you don’t know what safe mode is, then you probably haven’t changed it!


A Windows Computer that you Don’t know the password to


Step 1

Make sure you computer is shut off. Once it is off turn your computer on again and almost imediatly you will need to enter safe mode. It will say something on your screen like press f12 (Could be a different button). If you are having trouble finding the right button to push you can power off you computer by holding down the on button (Do this while its on). Don’t worry, this shouldn’t mess up your computer (but i’m not responsible if it does 😉 ) When you restart the computer it will think it has been shutdown wrong (which it has 😉 ), and will ask if you would like to enter safe mode. Click Yes.

Step 2

If it asks you if you would like to enter a GUI (Graphical Users Interface) or Text based operation, click the GUI. You will see a login screen. Login as Adminastrator (Or Admin). Now you are logged in and have FULL accsess to the machine. Go into Control panel and click on Users. Now click on change password, and type in your new password!

NOTE: I know this works on XP, and I think Vista. I am pretty sure it works with Windows 7 also. I am not sure though because I do not own a Windows anymore, and this article was just from my memory. So the way i’m describing it might not be completely acurate. But it is possible to change the password this way!

If you can’t get to the Admin account use a tool like Ophcrack Live CD. Once I get ahold of a Windows computer I will do a tutorial on Ophcrack! For now, just search the internet, there are TONS!

Hack: White Pages for Free Reverse Cell Phone!

White pages is a great free tool to find out who lives at an address. It also does reverse cell phone lookups (normally for $1.99) but if you own an iPhone (and its jailbroken) you can get do it as many times as you want for free!


A Jailbroken iPhone

iAp Cracker (Get it from the repo

White Pages Mobile


1. Download iAp Cracker from the repo “” (without the quotes 😛 )! Once you’ve downloaded  iAp cracker open up the White Pages app.

2. Once you’ve opened up the white pages click on “Reverse Phone” and type in the mobile number you want to search. Click on “Get the name for (xxx) xxx-xxx $1.99 per match”. Don’t worry, it won’t actually charge you. IF it says “Confirm Your In-App Purchase” Click cancel (otherwise it WILL charge you). Open up SB Settings and make sure iAp Cracker is toggled on.Try it again and it should show you the name of the number now!

Check out “Hack Your Way: Free Background Checks on the iPhone” to get free background checks from BeenVerified!

How to: Hack Amazon to get Free Books!

There is a flaw in the way Amazon delivers books to your kindle. Right after you buy a book it gives you the option to return it if you’ve bought it accidentally. But it still downloads the book while the screen is up.


Any Kindle (Not sure if it works with the Fire)

A Computer

Kindle DRM removal software (I use this)


1. Turn on your kindle and navigate to the book you want to buy. You can test this hack out by using a free book (Such as Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland). Buy the book.

2. Once you’ve bought the book DON’T CLICK ANYTHING. Wait for you kindle to say “Item Downloaded”. Once it says that you need to plug your kindle in to your computer. Navigate over to the Documents folder of your kindle (This is where the books are stored). Copy over the book you bought to your computer. Now remove the kindle from your computer (Making sure to safely remove it).

3. Now click “Return” on your kindles screen. It should say that it was sucsesfuly returned and that the book will be removed from your device (But not from your computer hehe). Open up the DRM removal software and put in your kindles Serial number. Locate the book and click remove DRM. Now you can transfer the book back to your kindle to read!

P.S This also works with audible audio books!

I wouldn’t recommend doing this to many times. Although you are aloud to return kindle books, amazon might wonder why you do it so often.  And I’m pretty sure that this is illegal and against Amazon’s TOS. I am not responsible for your actions. This is just to educate you!

Hack Your Way: into a Mac

Have you ever wondered if I was possible to hack a Mac password? Well sadly, it is.

A Mac
Physical Access to the computer


1. Make sure the machine is powered down. Once it is powered down you need to boot up in single users mode. To do that you hold down Command-S while booting. Once the screen goes black you can let go.

2. Now that you are in single users mode, you have to type in these commdands EXACTLY:

Command 1

fsck -fy

Command 2

mount -uw /

Command 3:

rm /var/db/.applesetupdone

Command 4:


3. Now te computer will reboot. Once it is rebooted you will have the same screen as you do when you buy the Mac. Follow the instructions. Just make sure you DO NOT make it the same user name as the account you wish to hack.

4. Now that you have an account with FULL admin privileges, you can go into settings and change the password for the account you want to hack.

5. Log in to the other account with your newly created password!

There you have it! You have sucsesfuly hacked a Mac. You won’t be able to view the keychain if it was locked tough (Unless you know the old password). The reason this works is because you tricked mac into thinking that this is the 1st time you’ve ever booted up your system. This processs doesn’t take as long as it seems (only about 5 minutes).

How do I fix this problem?

There are a few ways you can fix this. You can either turn on FileVault. Or don’t allow single users mode. But that can still be bypassed (if you buy a $999 software xD)