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How to: Hack Amazon to get Free Books!

There is a flaw in the way Amazon delivers books to your kindle. Right after you buy a book it gives you the option to return it if you’ve bought it accidentally. But it still downloads the book while the screen is up.


Any Kindle (Not sure if it works with the Fire)

A Computer

Kindle DRM removal software (I use this)


1. Turn on your kindle and navigate to the book you want to buy. You can test this hack out by using a free book (Such as Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland). Buy the book.

2. Once you’ve bought the book DON’T CLICK ANYTHING. Wait for you kindle to say “Item Downloaded”. Once it says that you need to plug your kindle in to your computer. Navigate over to the Documents folder of your kindle (This is where the books are stored). Copy over the book you bought to your computer. Now remove the kindle from your computer (Making sure to safely remove it).

3. Now click “Return” on your kindles screen. It should say that it was sucsesfuly returned and that the book will be removed from your device (But not from your computer hehe). Open up the DRM removal software and put in your kindles Serial number. Locate the book and click remove DRM. Now you can transfer the book back to your kindle to read!

P.S This also works with audible audio books!

I wouldn’t recommend doing this to many times. Although you are aloud to return kindle books, amazon might wonder why you do it so often.  And I’m pretty sure that this is illegal and against Amazon’s TOS. I am not responsible for your actions. This is just to educate you!